Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Junior High School Girl's Defense

You have to almost admire the manner in which the John Giduck camp has kept sidestepping the actual issues- not because he has been particularly adept, but because- like Wile E. Coyote- he keeps chasing something that he must realize he will never catch. In the coyote's case it was the roadrunner. In John Giduck's case it is credibility.

So far the two defenses that I have seen presented on his website are "It wasn't me" and "They are trying to tear you down because they are jealous of your many accomplishments." This is similar in both tone and content to a pubescent girl's reaction when she realizes that the popular kids don't want to hang around with her because she ratted out the head cheerleader for smoking behind the bleachers.


  1. Ouch...The second image had to leave a mark on Giduck's posse...:>)))

    1. They are every bit as intimidating as the kitty is.
